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Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo Slovenskej republiky uviedol do prevádzky portál/stránku Pravidlá a požiadavky týkajúce sa výrobkov v rámci Jednotnej digitálnej brány. Cieľom je poskytnúť informácie o pravidlách a požiadavkách vzťahujúcich sa na výrobky v harmonizovanej aj neharmonizovanej oblasti, technických predpisoch z oblasti posudzovania zhody a spôsobilosti autorizovaných a notifikovaných osôb. Aktuálne prebieha vkladanie a editácia údajov, preto je možné, že údaje na stránke nemusia byť správne a úplné. Pre overenie správnosti údajov nás môžete kontaktovať na emailovej adrese

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Táto webová stránka je v BETA verzii od 31.7.2023

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Cookie notice

Whenever you visit this website, some information may be collected through cookie files or other technologies (information about the language, country and previously set web pages). Received cookie files are only used to a significantly limited extent inevitable for technical purposes (functionality of a website) in compliance with international standards of NAI (Network Advertising Initiative) – It is not possible to link the information with a particular person. Visiting this website you consent to the use of cookies to the extent stated in the Cookie Notice.

Some cookie files, which we use, are necessary for you to browse this website and to use its functions, for instance the access to secured areas which may contain information for registered users (so-called “necessary cookies“). We also use the so-called “functionality cookies“ which store information enabling  to customize the website to our users; for instance storing your language. The information is used for a very limited purpose and it is stored for a limited period of time. Cookies inevitable for running the web page are removed with closing the browser (session ID) or within 2 days (language selection). All the data is anonymous and not used for other purposes.

Similarly to providers of our services, we use analytical services which help us find out to what extent is the content of our website effective, what our users are interested in and how to enhance functions of our website. Moreover, we use the so-called “performance cookies“ which monitor the number of individual users visiting our website and the frequency of their visits. We use the data solely for statistic purposes, and we do not intend to use the information to identify particular users.

If you want to receive more detailed information on cookie files we use, turn to our responsible person via the email address:

Visiting our website you give your consent that we can place cookies into your computer or your device as explained above. You can control or manage cookies in several ways. Please note that removing or blocking cookies may impact your user experience and you might not have an entire access to some website fields.

Most internet browsers enable to control what cookies are stored in your computer, to delete particular cookie files, or to store cookie files from particular or all web pages. Please note that if you remove all cookie files, all your personal settings will be removed, including preferencies to disable the use of cookie files because even this choice requires setting of the so-called opt-out cookies. More information on setting your internet browser in order to block or filter cookie files may be found on or

To display the website content or to display images or videos, we sometimes use external web services. Similarly to social nets´ buttons, we are not able to prevent the external pages or domains from collecting data on how you use the content inserted into our website.

The Cookie Notice might be adjusted or amended. We recommend that you regularly control the Cookie Notice to keep track of the way we use cookie files.