Competence of authorized and notified bodies
Competence of authorized/notified bodies according to Act No 56/2018 Coll on conformity assessment of the product, making available of a determined product on the market, and of change and amendment of some acts
Authorised/notified body | Authorised body number | Notified body number | Product | Actions |
3EC International, a.s. | SKTC-113 | NO 2265 | Medical devices In vitro diagnostic medical devices | Detail |
bqs. s.r.o. | SKTC-180 | NO 2854 | Medical devices In vitro diagnostic medical devices | Detail |
KONŠTRUKTA -Defence, a.s. | SKTC-112 | NO 1395 | Pyrotechnic articles Explosives for civil uses Firearms and ammunition for civil use | Detail |
Prvá zváračská, a.s. | SKTC-176 | NO 2408 | Pressure equipment Simple pressure vessels | Detail |
Prvá zváračská, a.s. | SKTC-176 | RTPO | Pressure equipment Simple pressure vessels | Detail |
Slovenská legálna metrológia, n.o. | SKTC-177 | NO 1432 | Measuring instruments | Detail |
Slovenský metrologický ústav | SKTC-102 | NO 1781 | Measuring instruments | Detail |
Technická inšpekcia, a.s. | SKTC-169 | NO 1354 | Pressure equipment Simple pressure vessels Transportable pressure equipment Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) Machinery Cableway installations designed to carry persons Lifts and safety components for lifts | Detail |
Technický skúšobný ústav Piešťany, a. s. | SKTC-104 | NO 1299 | Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) Noise emission Machinery Safety of toys Pressure equipment Simple pressure vessels Lifts and safety components for lifts Radio equipment (RED) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Appliances burning gaseous fuels | Detail |
TÜV SÜD Slovakia, s.r.o. | SKTC-175 | NO 1353 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Lifts and safety components for lifts Pressure equipment Simple pressure vessels Machinery Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) | Detail |