Mayonnaises and mayonnaise products
Non-harmonizedDecree lays down requirements for the production of mayonnaises and mayonnaise products.
The following may be used in the production of mayonnaise: (a) an egg constituent, (b) vegetable oil, the erucic acid content of which is not more than 5 % wt., calculated for the total quantity of fatty acids in the fat constituent, (c) an acidifying constituent, which may be 1. vinegar, the acetic acid content of which is at least 8 % wt., 2. citric acid or lemon juice, the citric acid content of which is at least 8 % wt., 3. sodium salt or potassium salt of acetic acid or citric acid, 4. lactic acid or its sodium salt or potassium salt, or 5. tartaric acid, or its the sodium salt or potassium salt, (d) an additional constituent 1. sugar, or 2. salt, (e) additives. The following may be used in the production of mayonnaise products: (a) an egg constituent, (b) vegetable oil, the erucic acid content of which is not more than 5 % wt., calculated for the total quantity of fatty acids in the fat constituent, (c) the acidifying constituent referred to in paragraph 1(c), (d) additional constituents, 1. potable water; 2. salt, 3. sugar, 4. spices, spice preparations and spice extracts; where spices are used that create the impression of the colour of egg yolk, for example saffron and turmeric, they shall be indicated in the labelling as a colouring agent, 5. mustard, 6. fruit or vegetables, including fruit juice or vegetable juice, 7. milk products, 8. thermally modified starches or other emulsifiers. (e) additives.