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Fishery products and products thereof


Decree modifies requirements for unprocessed fishery products, modified fishery products and processed fishery products intended for human consumption, for their handling and for their placement onto the market.

Main requirements
Fishery product names include the word ""fresh"" if they are fresh fishery products that have been chilled to a temperature close to that the melting point of ice. The label ""fish products"" is used for products from fish. The name ""caviar"" may be used to place caviar produced from the roe of fish from the sturgeon family on the market. The name ""salmon"" may be used to place fish from the Salmonidae family from the Salmo and Oncorhynchus genus and their products onto the market. The name ""trout"" may be used to place fish from the river trout and rainbow trout species onto the market. In the case of imitation fishery products or products thereof that do not meet requirements pursuant to („caviar“) and („salomon“), information regarding this fact must be written on the label in such a manner that the consumer cannot be misled, using the words a) ""imitation caviar"" listing the appropriate fish species from which the roe originates, b) ""crab sticks"" – ""ground fish meat with crab aroma"" or ""surimi with crab aroma"" or the words ""imitation salon"". In the case of frozen and deep-frozen fishery products covered with a layer of protective ice created by spraying them or immersing them in clean seawater, potable water or potable water with additives (hereinafter ""glazed fishery product""), information regarding this form of protection shall be listed using the word ""glazed"" in the name of the food or in its vicinity. Labelling of glazed fishery products includes the net weight of the fishery product in its frozen state excluding glazing and packaging material. In the case of a fishery product glazed using anything other than water intended for human consumption, this information should be listed on the label. In the name of the food or in its immediate vicinity, information on how the fishery product has been dressed is listed, for example using the words ""ungutted"", ""gutted"", ""whole"", ""fillets"", ""sections"", ""deboned"", ""headless"", ""with skin"", ""pieces"", ""fragments"", ""crushed"" and ""separated"" and in the case of a processed fishery product on how it has been processed, for example with the words ""cold smoked"", ""warm smoked"" or ""marinated"". In the case of fishery products placed on the market in a thawed state, information regarding their thawing is listed on the food label. The name of dressed fishery products or processed fishery products shall include a) the word ""boneless"", if their bones have been removed, including needle-like bones; b) the word ""deboned"", if 1 kg of fish does not contain more than one bone longer than 10 mm or thicker than 1 mm; a bone over 5 mm long is not considered a defect if its thickness is up to 2 mm. In the case of coated semi-finished fishery products, the label indicates the amount of product sans coating mixture as a percentage. Labelling incudes the word ""smoked"" if they are fishery products that have undergone a) a warm smoking process; b) a cold smoking process; c) smoke aromas In the case of fishery products that have not undergone a smoking process, but have been treated with smoke condensates or flavoured with a mixture of artificial smoke aromas by spraying, injection or impregnation with smoking preparations, they shall be labelled with the words ""with smoke flavouring"" or the words ""flavoured with a smoke formula""; a tasteless filtered smoke such as carbon monoxide is not considered to be a smoking formula. Life freshwater market fish are whole freshwater fish that are placed on the market through retail sale in a live state to the consumer or after being killed are used for further dressing or processing.

Prior authorisation
registration obligation within the meaning of § 6 of Act No. 152/1995 Coll. on Food, as amended
