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  1. Home
  2. Non harmonized area specific regulations detail

Construction products



The law regulates the conditions of placing construction products belonging to the non-harmonised (national) sphere on the domestic market.

The Decree establishes a list of construction product groups and the corresponding parameter assessment systems, depending on the intended use of individual construction products.

Main requirements

For construction products placed on the Slovak market by the manufacturer, it is necessary to draw up a declaration of performance of the essential characteristics of the product in relation to the essential requirements for construction works. When placing on the domestic market a construction product that was manufactured outside of Slovak Republic, it is necessary to attach to the instructions for use of the product (manual) a translation into the slovak language of the safety instructions for the product, a translation of the information on the risk to health and safety posed by the product in normal use, as well as a translation of the declaration of performance.

To each construction product group is assigned a prescribed performance assessment system, that is applied to products for which harmonised standards or European Technical Assessments are not available.The specific requirements for individual construction products are determined by the relevant technical specifications.

Market surveillance authority