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  2. Non harmonized area specific regulations detail

Auxiliary products in plant protection



The Act inter alia lays down — conditions for placing on the market of auxiliary plant protection products,— conditions for distribution, storage, handling, use and disposal of auxiliary plant protection products or their packaging,— conditions for testing the efficacy of auxiliary plant protection products,— the competence of state administration and state professional control bodies in the field of auxiliary productsthe protection of plants,— sanctions for infringements of the provisions of the law. Auxiliary product means a preparation to detect the presence of harmful organisms or useful organisms, bioagens or preparation applied to plants or plant products, which does not fall within the scope of the definition according to specific regulations (§ 2 para.1 of Act No 136/2000 Coll. on fertilisers, article 2(a) of the Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 relating to fertilisers, as amended, article 2(1), (2) and (3)(a) to (c) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC.

The Decree lays down the details a) on conditions, procedures and time limits for the application of the provisions on authorisation or their modification and amendment, mutual recognition and transfer of authorisation, authorisation of auxiliary plant protection products for parallel trade and for the purposes of research and development, authorisation of auxiliary products pursuant to § 18 of the Act, their repackaging and the submission of applications and particulars, documentation data set, content of the consent of the owner of the documentary data set pursuant to § 10 (2) (c) of the Act, on submission of data and information on the content of the decision pursuant to § 10 to 12, § 14 and § 15 of the Act b) on content and format of the label, c) on the conditions, procedures and time limits for performance tests, on submission of applications and their particulars, and on notification of the intended performance of the tests, d) on labelling of auxiliary products with regard to their risks to animals, birds, aquatic organisms, bees, useful arthropods and water resources.

Prior authorisation
yes, The Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture
