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  2. Non harmonized area specific regulations detail

Edible vegetable fats and edible vegetable oils and their products



Decree lays down requirements for the production of edible vegetable fats and edible vegetable oils and their products intended for direct human consumption (hereinafter "fat and oil"), labelling of fats and oils and classification of fat and oil products. This decree does not apply to olive oils.

Main requirements

Fats and oils must meet the following organoleptic requirements: a) appearance at 20°C 1. fats must have the appearance characteristic for their type; 2. oils must be clear, without sediment; any cloudiness caused by the oil's natural components that can be eliminated by heating the oil to 80 °C for 30 minutes while mixing occasionally, and does not return when the oil is cooled to 40 °C is not a defect; b) the colour at 20 °C must be characteristic for the relevant type of fat or oil; in the case of single-type fats and oils or their mixtures fortified with vitamins or flavoured with adjuvants or additives, a colour caused by the flavouring is permitted; c) aroma and flavour at 20 °C must be free of foreign scents and foreign flavours; a slight flavour and aroma of the raw material is permissible, and in the case of single-type fats and oils or their mixtures fortified with vitamins or flavoured with adjuvants or additives, a slight flavour and aroma of the flavouring ingredient used is permitted. Fats and oils must meet requirements listed in the Annex of thei Decree.

Prior authorisation
registration obligation within the meaning of § 6 of Act No. 152/1995 Coll. on Food, as amended