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  2. Non harmonized area specific regulations detail

The meat of slaughtered animals


Decree lays down the requirements for the meat of slaughtered animals(beef, veal, pork, mutton, lamb, goat meat, kid meat, meat from domestic odd-toed ungulates), and the meat of slaughtered rabbits (hereinafter "meat"), its handling and its placement on the market.

Main requirements
(1) Requirements for meat are as follows: a) well-developed musculature without tears, spots and bruises, b) muscle tissue without clearly visible bloody spots and without significant wounds, c) without any visible breakage and free of foreign aroma and foreign taste, d) a clean surface without visible foreign particles, grime and clotted blood, e) chilled meat does not exhibit signs of freezing, f) frozen or deep-frozen meat does not exhibit signs of freezer burn. (2) Meat may be placed on the market a) chilled; chilled meat is meat that as a result of the chilling process has not hardened b) frozen; frozen meat is meat frozen immediately following dressing, which is constantly kept at a temperature of at most -12°C c) deep-frozen; deep-frozen meat is meat frozen immediately following dressing, which is constantly kept at a temperature of at most -18°C or lower.. (3) Chilled meat, aside from rabbit meat, is stored in refrigerated warehouses at a temperature of 0ºC to 5ºC, at a relative air humidity of 85% to 95% and air velocity of 0.1 m3/s to 0.3 m3/s, with the maximum permitted internal temperature of the meat being 7ºC and the internal temperature of edible offal being 3ºC; rabbit meat is stored at a temperature of -2°C to +4°C. (4) Meat may be placed on the market a) unpackaged, freely placed in a transport container with which it comes into direct contact, freely placed in a refrigerated display case or freely hung; unpackaged meat may be placed on the market only as chilled meat b) packaged as chilled meat, frozen meat or deep-frozen meat, c) vacuum-packed, chilled meat, frozen meat or deep-frozen meat, d) packaged in a protective gas atmosphere, only chilled meat. (5) Meat may be frozen only once.

Prior authorisation
registration obligation within the meaning of § 6 of Act No. 152/1995 Coll. on Food, as amended
