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  1. Home
  2. General regulation detail

Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on Waste and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended

The Act regulates programming documents in waste management, measures for waste prevention, rights and obligations of legal persons and natural persons in waste prevention and management, extended producer reponsibility, management of specified products and waste streams, management of municipal waste, cross-border waste movement, waste management information system, competence of state administration and municipalities in matters of state waste management, liability for breach of obligations in the waste management section.

Main requirements
According to the Waste Act, the specified product means electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, packaging, vehicles, pneumatic tyres and non-packaging products. Part four – Extended Producer Responsibility. According to § 30, producers of specified products shall, prior to placing a specified product on the market, deliver to the Ministry a written application for entry into the Register of Producers of Specified Products accompanied by a declaration that they will perform the specified obligations individually or by the certificate referred to in paragraph 3. Producers of specified products who perform their obligations in relation to a specified product in accordance with § 27(7) shall attach to the application for entry into the Register of Producers of Specified Products the declaration referred to in paragraph 4. Producers of specified products not entered in the Register of Producers of specified waste streams may not place a specified product on the market. According to § 27 (18), producers of specified products who do not have their registered office or place of business in the Slovak Republic shall designate an authorised representative to perform the obligations imposed under this Act by means of authorisation under paragraph 19; this shall be a legal person or a sole trader with registered office or place of business in the Slovak Republic.

Market surveillance authority