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  2. General regulation detail

Decree of the Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing No. 161/2019 Coll. on measuring instruments and metrological control

The Decree regulates the details of the supervision of the national measurement standard, details of the certification of the reference material, the types of legally controlled measuring instruments and their area of use, details of the procedure for type approval of legally controlled measuring instruments and the verification procedure for legally controlled measuring instruments, the mark of the type approval, the specific mark and the method of their location, details of the method of metrological control of legally controlled measuring instruments, details of the technical requirements and metrological requirements for the different types of legally controlled measuring instruments, including the methods of their technical testing, verification mark and method of its location, maximum permissible error in use for individual types of legally controlled measuring instruments, validity period of verification of individual types of legally controlled measuring instruments and a method of calculating the validity period of the verification of legally controlled measuring instruments

Main requirements
For the purposes of national type-approval and national initial verification, specific technical and metrological requirements are laid down for a given type of legally controlled measuring instrument. The manufacturer or importer must ensure that these requirements are met if they want to place their legally controlled measuring instrument on the market of the Slovak Republic. In addition, requirements for the correct marking of legally controlled measuring instrument (type-approval mark, initial verification mark, etc.) and requirements for the method of securing them are laid down.

Market surveillance authority