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  1. Home
  2. General regulation detail

Act No. 157/2018 Coll. on Metrology and on Amendments to Certain Acts as amended by Act No. 198/2020 Coll.

The Act regulates the competence of state administration bodies in the field of metrology, legal measurement unit and its use, kinds of legally controlled measuring instruments, requirements for national measurement standard and conditions of its realization and maintenance and supervision of national measurement standard, certified reference material and certification of reference material, requirements for legally controlled measuring instruments, use of legally controlled measuring instruments and use of a mandatory calibrated measuring instruments, rights and obligations of the manufacturer and importer of the legally controlled measuring instruments, rights and obligations of the user of the legally controlled measuring instruments, rights and obligations of the user of the mandatory calibrated measuring instruments, method of metrological control of legally controlled measuring instruments and calibration of the mandatory calibrated measuring instrument and persons who may perform metrological control and calibration, requirements for prepackages, obligations of the packer and importer of prepackages, conditions of official measurement, requirements and method of granting competence in the field of metrology, requirements for the designated organization, authorization requirements and obligations and rights of the authorized person, registration requirements and obligations of the registered person, supervision over compliance with this Act, imposition of fines, the relationship of the Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter the "Office") abroad and the Office's information obligation

Main requirements
If a manufacturer or importer of legally controlled measuring instrument manufactured and placed it on the market in a Member State wants to place these legally controlled measuring instrument on the market of the Slovak Republic must apply to the Slovak Metrology Institute for national type approval (The Slovak Metrological Institute will decide whether it is also necessary to perform tests of legally controlled measuring instrument or whether tests performed in a Member State may be accepted). If the legally controlled measuring instrument is subject to initial verification, the manufacturer or importer is obliged to provide it by means of the Slovak Metrology Institute or the Slovak Legal Metrology. However, in the case of initial verification, initial verification carried out abroad may also be accepted on the basis of a written application submitted to the Slovak Metrology Institute, provided that the legally controlled measuring instrument has national type approval, has been placed on the market according to national regulations and the design and shape of the initial verification mark has been submitted.

Market surveillance authority